A Spring CEU
Have you ever had a question about the tile installation process? Please join us on May 22nd for a hands on CEU exploring tile installation and more. Food and beverages will be provided as well.
What Every Designer Should Know About Tile Installations
This program covers the characteristics of different types of tile, the new coefficient of friction method requirements, information on current standards for installation of LFT (Large Format Tile), and the LHT mortars required for installation. We will also explore different types of grout in today’s market, grout joint size requirements, as well as expansion and movement joint requirements. Throughout this CEU, participants will have the opportunity to roll waterproofing membrane, set and grout tile themselves.
Andrew Ferraiuolo, Commercial Architectural Representative, Custom Building Products
Jim Bourgeois, Regional Technical Services Representative, Custom Building Products
Event Sponsors:
Custom Building Products
Tile Wholesalers
This event will provide 0.1 IDCEC CEU and 1.0 AIA LU
The current compliance period runs from Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2019. IIDA Professional and Associate Members are required to complete and report 1.0 CEU (10 hours) of continuing education prior to Dec. 31, 2019. All Professional and Associate Members (active and inactive) including educators, IIDA Fellows, and chapter officers must adhere to IIDA compliance requirements. IIDA accepts all IDCEC approved courses. It is the responsibility of each member to maintain their own records. Please review these Helpful Hints before using the IDCEC CE Registry.