The Rochester City Center is a growing community of designers, students, educators, and industry partners passionate about creating enriching learning and networking opportunities that inspire and drive excitement within our local design community. As design leaders, we are committed to pushing the boundaries, fostering forward-thinking ideas, and encouraging progressive design and collaboration that shapes the future of our industry.
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your design career, I highly encourage you to take the leapand connect with the incredible group of passionate professionals at IIDA! The Rochester Design community andbeyond is dedicated to motivating and empowering all designers at every stage of their journey
— Erika Reed, RCC Co-Director
The IIDANY provides a great platform to network within your local design community. The Rochester City Centercan provide connection amongst peers, professional development opportunities and a fun way to work withdifferent people who have a passion for the interior design industry. Getting involved is as simple as attending anevent or joining a committee on the planning board. I’m excited to see what the future of the IIDA holds for theRochester design community.
— Kara Brown, RCC Co-Director